Excerpts from unsolicited letters from Timewave Customers

CompanyDSP-599zxDSP-59YDSP-59+DSP-9 & 9+
DSP-59Y Digital Noise Filter
An outstanding product. Excellent user interface. Excellent manual. I will buy a DSP-599zx for the other radios because this is so good! Tom, K7PJT
Timewave 59Y -- The QRM/QRN Bandit

I received the 59Y as a Christmas gift. Your quality of workmanship is outstanding - The instruction manual is one of the finest I've seen in the 44 years that I have been a licensed radio amateur.

The quality of workmanship is outstanding and compares very favorably with some of the finest hardware I have seen integrated into the commercial communications community.

Installation was accomplished in just a few minutes, the 59Y is a true plug-and-play enhancement to my Yaesu FT-1000.

The capabilities of the 59Y Digital Signal Processor provides filtering flexibility that I have have previously been unable to achieve. In particular the the SSTV and RTTY filters allow signals to be fully copied, that prior to installation of the 59Y only presented themselves as random possibilities.

The 59Y has provide me with full DSP capabilities for the FT-1000 sub-receiver. Now I have two complete receivers in the FT-1000 with identical signal/interference rejection capabilities.

Don, K1EER

I don't know where the idea came from, it's a good one. I only wish it would fit into my SP-8 too. I have tested it only one day so far and it does improve the receive capability of a ICOM 775 DSP.

I like to work CW weak signals on 144 Mhz and low bands, listen to SW and SSB. It looks like the CW performance is excellent!

It looks like a winner, I'll be comparing it on both of my new rigs --- Yaesu FT1000MP and ICOM 775 DSP.

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