Excerpts from unsolicited letters from Timewave Customers

CompanyDSP-599zxDSP-59YDSP-59+DSP-9 & 9+
DSP-59+ Digital Noise Filter
" I use two DSP-59+s in my fixed stations and the DSP-9 in my mobile. I have been able to complete many QSO's that would not have been possible without the DSP's." Chuck, K4OMM
" The DSP-59+ is a great asset to any transceiver when operating on the crowded ham bands we have today." Robert, K5TKO
" Your DSP-59+ is the best thing that has happened to HF Communications in a long time." John, N4LJS
" The DSP-59+ .... has more than lived up to expectations ...It is amazing to turn the unit on and have SSB sound like 2 Meter FM from our local repeaters. i.e. no noise. " Ed, NR0P
" The DSP-59+ was great before but now new features make it a SUPERB addition to my shack. Especially the Delay compensation in the data bandpass mode. EXCELLENT. Every Ham Shack should have one Hi Hi." Dennis, Australia
" It is a pleasure doing business with a company of your caliber"... DSP-59+ Richard, W2DAP
"I am writing to thank you for a fine product, the DSP-59+. Its performance surpasses my expectations." Bruce, W0HZR / NNN0BQH
"...the DSP-59+ arrived yesterday and consumed my evening. I have just a few words-- "fantastic","terrific", "good show", etc. Its definitely a keeper... All in All, I think you've got a real winner in this product. And an upgrade policy that should make a lot of friends (and keep the factory busy." Grant, NQ5T
" I got my DSP-59+ upgrade the other day and installed it with no problems. It really does the job! ... What an improvement!.." Bruce, KE6FSX
" DSP-59+ upgrade. It was good before but is a lot better now... I like the filter very much and use it all the time. I appreciate your concern for your customers and hope you continue to improve your product." Frank, Seattle, WA
" Received the DSP-59+ EPROM Upgrades for my two 59+'s in fine shape. I've given the new features a ring-out and they seem to work fine...I especially like the ability to program the noise reduction aggressiveness from the front panel. I jumpered the unit to "least" reduction and then I can increase it to whatever level I need, as required... nice. . ... Thanks for providing a nice state of the art product." George, K4DBT
"I connected up the DSP-59+ and have used it for several days. I'm really impressed with how it works to shape the audio passband on SSB and CW without serious ringing even for narrow passbands." Don
"I just wanted to let you know that I did get the DSP-59+ filter before the EME TEST, and I love it! I think it is the best enhancement to my station. I worked 35 stations on the weekend including two JA and 1 Nevada which finally gives me WAS ON 2 Meters. Without the filter I suspect my score would be halved."
Russ, K2TXB
" wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the DSP-59+. It's packed full of practical, useful features, is very straightforward to use-especially considering the many things it does- and does those jobs amazingly well!... Thanks for a product that really lives up to its claims." Dave, NZ9E
Low Band DX-ing
" I purchased the DSP-59+ a couple of days ago. This thing really works. Using a Yaesu FT-890 AT running low power on the bottom end of 80 meters I was able to contact all Continents and several somewhat rare Oceanic contacts the first night."
Charlie, WA3TXR
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